The American Diabetes Association is committed to the treatment and prevention of diabetes. While thousands of the top researchers and physicians are coming together to showcase the latest advances in research and treatments, ADA TV is bringing you the best in breakthroughs from the 84th Scientific Sessions! Welcome back to Orlando and to our 4th and final day here on ADA TV, I’m Autria Godfrey. Diabetes isn’t just a disease, it’s an epidemic affecting over 38 million Americans with devastating consequences.
With nearly 98 million American adults living with pre-diabetes, today we are highlighting the latest scientific achievements working to reverse those sobering statistics. Straight ahead, from the Banting Award winner to the Outstanding Scientific Achievement recipient, we’re sitting down with those who have made an incredible impact on diabetes research. And back by popular demand, the Innovation Challenge puts the best and brightest start-ups in front of a panel of potential funders. We’ll see how they fare! And we wrap up our final day of touring the institutions and organizations blazing new trails in diabetes research. Wait until you see the fascinating phenotyping study currently under way
84th Scientific Sessions
ADA American Diabetes Association’s 84th Scientific Sessions 2024 Explore cutting-edge content from the 84th Scientific Sessions at your own pace with on-demand access.
Theme Areas
Acute and Chronic Complications
Behavioral Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Education, and Exercise
Clinical Diabetes/Therapeutics
Immunology/Beta Cell Replacement
Insulin Action/Molecular Metabolism
Obesity/Integrated Physiology
Islet Biology/Insulin Secretion
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