Functional Occlusion Online Course
Format: 9 Videos – Duration: 11 hours & 50 min – Files size: 3.2 GB
Video One will teach you foundational occlusion training including terminology and anterior guidance design options. This training will take the mystery out of what they presented in dental school.
Video Two will build upon the foundations of video one and teach you the functional analysis and bite records options to create predictable and repeatable mounted models of your complex cases.
Video Three will now take the records from the articulator and teach you the articulator settings and techniques to mount your cases so that they are an accurate representation of your patient’s clinical condition. This video is excellent for training your dental assistant how to mount your models accurately and precisely on the articulator.
Video Four will teach you my system for risk assessment for complex cases so you can identify patients that will be at higher risk to damage restorations. Special attention is paid to patients with attrition, erosion and bruxism.
Video Five will teach you a system for treatment planning the high risk wear patients that were identified in video four. The force management checklist will introduce occlusion design concepts to create an occlusion that will work with higher bite forces and tooth wear.
Video Six will teach you my simplified equilibration technique. The concepts in this video can be used with a natural dentition, provisional restorations, porcelain restorations or even in splint therapy. This video will take the mystery and complexity out of this procedure.
Video Seven will teach you my predictable system to alter the vertical dimension for wear patients. If you have ever wondered should I test the new vertical with a splint or will my patient have joint pain if I alter the vertical, this presentation is for you.
Video Eight will teach you my new Precision Restorative Records for Complex Cases protocol. If you are not sure the order, or how to take bite records after all of the teeth have been prepared this presentation will really help you with your cases.
Video Nine will teach you my 6 step system for treating the complex wear patient. If you are not sure how to manage these large cases this presentation will give you an excellent foundation including rebuilding structurally compromised teeth with core build-ups and fabricating excellent and precise fitting full arch and full mouth provisional restorations.
Year: 2014
Presented By: Dr. Stephen Phelan
9 Videos – Duration: 11 hours & 50 min – Files size: 3.2 GB