Radiographics Gastrointestinal Imaging 2023
1-Â Universal Liver Imaging Lexicon: Imaging Atlas for Research and Clinical Practice
2-Â MR Defecating Proctography with Emphasis on Posterior Compartment Disorders
3-Â Fundamentals of Small Bowel Imaging: What Radiology Residents Should Know
4-Â Hepatocellular Adenomas: Molecular Basis and Multimodality Imaging Update
5-Â RadioGraphics Update: New Follow-up and Management Recommendations for Polypoid Lesions of the Gallbladder
6- Current and Advanced Applications of Gadoxetic Acid–enhanced MRI in Hepatobiliary Disorders
7-Â Restaging MRI of Rectal Adenocarcinoma after Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy: Imaging Findings and Potential Pitfalls
8-Â Dual-Energy CT Evaluation of Gastrointestinal Bleeding
9-Â Liver Fibrosis, Fat, and Iron Evaluation with MRI and Fibrosis and Fat Evaluation with US: A Practical Guide for RadiologistsÂ
10-Â US Quantification of Liver Fat: Past, Present, and Future
11-Â Perineural Invasion and Spread in Common Abdominopelvic Diseases: Imaging Diagnosis and Clinical Significance
12-Â Imaging Findings in Cirrhotic Liver: Pearls and Pitfalls for Diagnosis of Focal Benign and Malignant LesionsÂ