AAP- 5 journals All Pediatrics
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AAP Grand Rounds is the preferred literature review journal offering clinically relevant analysis and evidence-based summaries from pediatric experts on current health issues and trends encountered in everyday medical practice.
NeoReviews is the trusted neonatology journal providing the latest best practices through clinical review articles case discussions basic science insights on-the-horizon pieces professional resources and skills assessment exercises accessible anytime.
Pediatrics in Review is the most trusted pediatrics review for healthcare professionals. The AAP journal that guides residents through training also guides practicing clinicians on the optimal diagnostic and therapeutic management of diseases and delivery of pediatric outpatient or inpatient care.
The official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics and the world’s leading pediatrics resource Pediatrics is the most-cited journal in pediatric medicine and among the top 100 most-cited journals in all of science and medicine.
Hospital Pediatrics is the first journal dedicated to pediatric hospital medicine and offers the tools to help provide quick correct and targeted medical interventions.
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